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Ayurvedic Tea Rinses and Spritzers for Stronger Hair

Writer's picture: otot

We know that certain teas are great antioxidants and offer other benefits for the body. This is also true for your hair. You may already have tea you can use in your cabinet. Whether it is Green Tea, Lavender Tea, or Black Tea. They can be used alone or in combination to strengthen those strands and reduce shedding as a rinse or weekly spritz. Let’s look at a couple of tea rinse and spritz recipes. If you are experiencing alopecia, hair fall or postpartum shedding, dandruff, irritated scalp, itchy scalp, fragile strands or abnormally slow growth rate try out one or both recipes.

Do you know that tea rinse can improve the appearance of hair and the feel? Herbal or tea rinses are nourishing to the scalp and promote healthy hair. It also gives volume.

It cleanses deep in the scalp unclogging pores, prevents dandruff, itchiness, and shedding, and lightens or darkens hair color depending on the tea.

Before moving on with the recipes. Here is an important note - Although herbs provide awesome benefits to the hair, tea is an herb. Herbs can be quite potent. Therefore, conduct a patch test to ensure that you do not experience any allergies. Rinses can be multi-beneficial, but, do your patch test first. It is a rinse, not to be used in place of a cleanser for product, residue, or buildup removal. 

Recipe 1

1.5 Tbsp of Aloe Vera powder

1.5 Tbsp of Nettle or 1 teabag

1.5 Tbsp of Camomile or 1 teabag (or Calendula as an alternative)

Aloe vera contains vitamins A, E, C, B12, and folic acid contributing to cell rejuvenation, cell growth, and sealing moisture.

Camomile detoxifies the hair and promotes strong follicles. It can provide relief to an itchy scalp and scalp dermatitis. 

Nettle is rich in Silica and Sulphur fighting against hair loss, promoting new growth and thickness. It has the added benefit of addressing alopecia.

Calendula strengthens the hair and increases collagen production and blood flow. It helps scalp inflammation and adds softness.m to the hair. 

Rinse Instructions

Brew ingredients pour them into a container with a lid, and let it cool. After, pour into a spray bottle.

After washing your hair thoroughly and evenly spray, cover it with a plastic cap, leave in for 20 to 30 minutes, and rinse. Apply a deep conditioner, let stand for 5 minutes, and rinse completely. 

To use as a spritz - lightly spritz evenly only once a week. Do not over-spray. It can cause dryness. After spritzing, apply hair butter or oil.

After the tea cools, add essential oils such as lavender, basil, rosemary, peppermint, or lemongrass. These oils help with regrowth.  Add oils after the tea cools.

Keep refrigerated and discard after a week to a week and a half. 

Recipe 2


1.5 Tbsp of Matcha Green Tea Powder or 

1 Green Teabag 

1.5 Tbsp of Amla powder 

1.5  Tbsp of Fenugreek powder or seeds

Follow the previous instructions for Recipe 1

Green tea is on the milder side, rich in antioxidants and Vitamin B and E. It helps combat hair loss, prevents split ends, detoxifies, and provides moisture and shine. It also has Panthenol, which can slow the graying process.

Fenugreek replenishes the hair and adds smoothness. It naturally has lecithin, which provides a conditioning system. Does Fenugreek Help Hair Growth? Absolutely, 

Fenugreek is a wonderful source of vitamins A, B, C, K,  iron, calcium, potassium, protein, phosphates, folic acid, flavonoids, and more. It is antifungal assisting in a healthy scalp environment. It revives and wakes up the hair. Fenugreek prevents premature graying.

Amla contains alkaloids, flavonoids, and amino acids that stimulate blood flow to the scalp. It inhibits 5alpha reductase enzymes, which are known to cause hormonal hair loss. It is a huge Vitamin C booster that promotes collagen, healthy hair follicles, and hair growth.

Don’t be afraid to try different ways of achieving what you want for your hair and scalp. The best way is the natural way. Always consider that natural ingredients and practices are not filled with harmful ingredients that can feed synthetic ingredients to the hair and scalp, which, can have lasting consequences. Be patient, try the Ayurvedic route, and be consistent. The journey is worth your time.

Happy Rinsing and Spritzing.

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