I know, as a natural you love the versatility of hairstyles. And, from time to time, you want that straightness to your styles, so you apply heat - too much heat. Then, it happens, that smell of burning hair.
“High Volume Heat Is Not Good For The Hair; You Make Get The Desired Look, But, Your Hair You Will Cook”
For my curlfriends, heat damage stunts progress to your healthy hair journey. However, a heat protectant can help to prevent the damage that can be caused by using heating tools inappropriately.
Heat damage is caused by using heat styling tools that are set at a temperature that is too high. Also, it can be caused by contantly using heat on the same section of hair to attempt straigtness. Because, some areas of hair are thicker or do not respond to the heat, some curlfriends will keep applying heat to that section. The use of heat tools, almost daily, will certainly cause heat damage. It is a practice for some to flat iron or heat curl their tresses each day to maintain a certain style. Please do not do this, it only adds to the extent of damage.
Can heat damage be fixed?
If the damage is very minimal to the cuticle layer, and it still curls than there is some hope those strands may have a lttle health added back to them, but, it may not behave the same as before the damage. The answer may be to cut those strands eventually.
Here are some things you can do....
Keep your hair cleansed - Having a wash-day regimen washes product build-up, dirt, and environmental particles out of the hair. Thus, helping to prevent the burning of dirt, build-up, etc. into the hair.
Dust your ends - If the damage is done at the ends trim off a little at a time.
Blow dry your hair damp and not wet - Some get the urge to pump up the volume on wet hair versus minimal heat to damp hair. The idea for the application of high heat on wet hair is the higher the heat the straighter the hair. However, if your want healthy hair lower the temperature. Apply heat protectant during the damp phase and drying phase.
Stop Using Heat - Have you ever applied heat to your hair, and touched your hair right after? It was piping hot, right? Imagine what your hair just went through. Heat can cause irreversible damage.
You may not want to read this. I recommend cutting the heat-damaged hair. It does not have to be done immediately, yes, eventually. The damaged area can travel to a higher part of the strand. Just like split ends continue to split up the hair shaft, heat damage can travel up causing more hair to be cut off later. Imagine frayed fabric and how it unravels compromising the fabric's strength and integrity. The same happens to strands. The damaged area becomes frayed and will continue to uncoil up the hair shaft. Keep this in mind and do your best to keep the area deep conditioned and moisturized.
Do products that claim to Fix heat damage work?
The short answer is no. Temporarily, the product fuses frayed strands. PEC technology (Polyelectrolyte Complex) is used for fusion. Once the fusion wears off - your hair is back to square one. Unfortunately, there is no reversal or fix to heat damage. It is devastating. The good news, you can recover from the trauma of this. You have the chance to have healthy hair again. Don't beat yourself up. This is not uncommon; it happens. If you have experienced heat damage, think about how you want to approach it. Then, take the steps to do what is best for your crown. It may not be most comfortable, and you may feel the work you put into your hair was destroyed. I want to tell you it was not. You learned good and not-so-good lessons. The lessons will strengthen and expand your knowledge in caring for your hair. Unequivocally, maintaining natural hair is a journey of trial and error You are not alone. The best way not to experience heat damage is not to apply heat to your hair. However, if you apply heat, take every precaution
Be Good To Yourself and Others.
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