When You Get Tired of Being Tired
Keep holding and praying, ask God to hold on to you. Sometimes, there is no more words to say, there are no more tears to cry, but in your heart and mind go to God in the quiet and lean as hard as you can. God is not going to abandon you, He will offer peace and comfort and will be a tried and true friend. He will sit with you for as long as you want to sit, He will lend you His shoulder for as long as you need it and will give His hand to hold for as long as you need it to hold.
So, you wonder, how do I go to Him with things being so noisy and chaotic? What better time to find peace than in the most noise. You will never be a number to God, you will always be His child, so tell what hurts and everything else you want Him to know and you will begin to feel a calmness that will give you the ability to sit down and rest if you like or just grab a good nap or just take a walk with peace of mind, enjoying the beauty of the birds flying, the trees changing, the freshness of the air, finally, being able to take a good deep breath. I am not telling you anything that I have not experienced for myself. So, if you are tired of being tired, tell God and ask Him to turn it around for you. It is o.k. to be tired, but keep some sort of pace, do not allow yourself to become stagnant, have you ever watched a runners marathon where the runners get tired and can hardly keep running, at times, they resort to crawling, but they keep trying and keep trying? They barely have a pace, but they don't stop, that has to be you, don't stop, read scriptures, pray, sing, build an imagination to see yourself stronger, more courageous, whatever it is, you need to see it, meditate, write, do something that will keep you moving away from doubt or hopelessness, take a chance on you and God working on things together.
Kirk Franklin - Declaration
With inspiration,